The Authentic Connections 

You've been looking for

We help 30+ singles live richer and fuller social lives by creating third spaces for our members.

What are


Spaces Built for Connection

Third spaces are locations where people can exchange ideas, have a good time, and build relationships organically. But in the age of capitalism, those kinds of physical spaces are disappearing. And instead, we're getting dating apps, clubs, Instagram-able cafes and co-working spaces where no one talks to each other.

In a world where technology allows us more ways to connect than ever before, humans are lonelier than ever

Mingle is on a mission to help bring back these spaces and help people connect in more authentic organic ways.



Mingle Spaces are a series of dinner parties, brunches and events for new friends and strangers who also want to be intentional about creating deep and meaningful connections. These events will be structured in a way that encourages sharing and bonding. From fun games to deep dives, we’ll have an intentional agenda to make you feel included and connected.

The Rules

Our Mingle Spaces are unique. Building relationships is hard intentional work. So we created the rules to help ensure we don't turn into just another "networking group". Here's what to expect at a Mingle event.

20 People Max

50/50 gender split

No Cell Phones

50% new faces


We know … we know … it’s Lagos, and it is impossible to predict when you’ll get somewhere. So we’ve built in a one-hour buffer to the start time. Showing up after the buffer time will attract a penalty. And trust us, the punishment will be as embarrassing we can legally make it.


Our goal is to have a diverse group. There will be people who believe things you don’t or have made choices you don’t agree with. You don’t have to agree with anyone; but you do have to be respectful. 


All mingle events are made of at least 50% strangers and no you can’t bring a plus one. Step out of your comfort zone.


We are very serious about this. We'll be at the door to check you in and collect all your distractions. We want you to focus on the experience. It’s waaaay too easy to pull into yourself and focus on that email from that one person you should have answered before you get there.


It’s not a party, 20 people at most, we want you to have the opportunity to get to know every single person who comes and the chance to connect properly

Join our next

Mingle Space

We host spaces every month, and there are only 20 spots. So we can't guarantee everyone will get a spot. So apply early with correct information to make sure we can reach you! 

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